accredo for your business and life

About us

"accredo" is an accounting firm in Japan . Our services are not only ordinary tax and accounting service but also business consulting. Furthermore, we are providing total life planning advisory services with life insurance planning.


"accredo" is Latin and means faith, confidence, trust, honesty and so on. We believe "accredo" is the most important thing for our business and life.


That is to say, what you need for your business and life is "accredo".


Representative of accredo

  Kenji Shimada 

  • Certified tax accountant in Japan
  • Kenji has great experience with tax and other business related cases in EY, which is one of the biggest audit/tax firm in the world. 
  • He has more than 10 years experience for the area of international taxation includes secondment arrangement to EY Singapore more than 2 years 

Our services

We are providing book keeping, tax filling, payroll, and almost every support for all type of businesses.  


We can provide a precise fee quotation for any services based on our fee table.


In addition, we are providing life planning includes life and non-life insurance to protect yourself and your family by unexpected accident.


Free for charge for first meeting or telephone conference and so on. So please feel free to contact us.


Contact us

accredo Kenji Shimada accounting firm

Telephone: +81-3-6910-0152

Mobile: +81-70-4002-4301

FAX: +81-3-6685-7916         

 Address: H1O 604, 1-6-4 Hirakawa cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0093, Japan

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